Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Friday, October 24, 2008

Fire Trucks

The boys all want to grow up and be fire fighters, especially Andrew. So when the fire station near our home had an open house we just had to go. The boys had a great time. They got to do several things like explore the fire trucks, tour the station, spray the fire hose, and watch one of the big fire trucks spray. It was hot and sunny so they were tired and hot by the time we left and Brian was broken hearted because he didn't get a balloon, they ran out. So on the drive home they forgot how much fun it was. I hate when that happens! Anyways, here are some pictures of the event. (It has taken me a little while to get them posted, the open house was a couple weeks ago, but better late than never). Who knew you could take so many pictures of boys in a fire trucks?!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Ultrasound Results


We ended up getting our ultrasound early (it was rescheduled for Monday, it just took me a day to get the results posted-- just giving everyone ample time to get their vote in-- he! he!).

And now, for the news you've all been waiting for. . . .

It's a BOY!!


It's a GIRL!!

Thanks to everyone that was thinking "pink" for us, I guess it worked. I am still a little bit in awe knowing that we are really having a girl. The thought of buying pink things is exciting and yet weird. The boys are all excited-- they, especially Andrew, always knew it was one of each anyway so it was no surprise to them.

Our Ultrasound was a very indepth one done at a Perinatology clinic in a large hospital about 45 minutes away. They measured everything. Derek was quite amazed watching as they announced things like "Here's the kidney," and it was a little black dot that to him looked like all the other black dots next to it. The babies look great-- they are both healthy and growing well although they are short, especially the little girl. The doctor said considering the parents though she wasn't worried. Hmm. . . is she implying we are short! :)

The majority of the ultrasound was done in the traditional view that we are used to seeing but when they would zoom in on the faces they would switch it over to the 3D ultrasound. It was cool to see and looked great on the computer screen, but the printed pictures I don't think turned out as well.

Baby A, our little girl, was quite photogenic and let us see her face very well, so we have some good pictures of her. She was much more modest though and made us be more patient to see her gender. Here are some 3D shots of her. They are both her profile. In the first one she has her fists up by her face-- one at her forehead and one in front of her mouth. In the second her little fists are both down by her chest. Hope you can make it all out. (The longer you look at them the more they take shape-- at least to me).

Baby B, our little boy, on the other hand, was not so photogenic when it came to letting us see his face. He showed us his gender right off with no problems but liked to hide his face. Consequently, we didn't get as good of pictures of him. Once again, these are profile pictures. He also has his hands up by his face. In the first one he has a hand over the middle of his face and his arm at the side of his head with his hand over his ear. The black dot is the shadow of his eye. The second photo is the same only no black spot. His face is a little harder to see than hers.

We get to have an ultrasound like this every four weeks. So we have another one on November 5th.

Thanks to everyone who participated in our gender poll. It was fun to see what people were thinking (we couldn't see who voted what, we could just see the results). By the way, the final results were: 10 votes for two boys, 10 votes for two girls, and 13 votes for one of each. So the majority, barely, got it right. Good guessing everyone!

Thursday, October 2, 2008

20 weeks-- Half Way!

Well, we've made it to the half-way point! Although, twin pregnancies are usually a few weeks shorter than regular ones so we actually already passed half way a few weeks ago. I'm sure the holidays will make the second half go by very quickly.
Eveyone around here keeps telling me I still look small for carrying twins. I think it's probably because they didn't know me before so they have never seen me when I wasn't pregnant. At this point I'm usually just starting to think about wearing maternity clothes. It's amazing how quickly I change-- one day I still could zip up my jacket fine, it wasn't even tight, and the next day it wouldn't even come together.
Derek's very excited because he got to feel one of the babies move the other day. They are quite active in there. One cooperated very well and kicked him as soon as he put his hand on my tummy. The other one wasn't as cooperative and kept missing him.
Our ultrasound is in one week (8 October) so if you haven't gotten your vote in on our poll located in the side bar then you better hurry. The results so far show that not many people have much hope for the girls. Ah well, Brian already informed me that we can't have any girl toys at our house anyway. I asked him if we had a girl what she would play with and he said, "Cars!" Andrew, at least, is more empathetic. He definitly thinks a baby girl would need some girl toys to play with. I guess we'll just have to see what happens.