Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Enjoying being together again!

Well since Derek got home we are just enjoying being back together again as a family. I can't even express how wonderful it really is!! I thought I would have more time once he got home but that doesn't seem to be the case. Life is still busier than ever so thus I haven't blogged for awhile. So once again you get a few weeks in review.

The Happy Couple:

This past Friday Derek and I got to go to his Battalion Ball. It was very nice and despite the headache of getting all the clothes ready it was actually fun to get all dressed up and go out and hey I got a nice meal (that I didn't have to cook) and a few dances out of it so it was worth it.

The Birthday Boy!!

Andrew's birthday was actually just before Derek got home. He decided on his own that he would wait to celebrate it until Daddy was home. So that was the first thing we had to do after Derek was home. Here are some pictures of him with his "loot" and his Spiderman cake that he was so proud of.

At last a picture of all four of my boys together!! (I know Timothy looks so enthused. He was sulking because he wanted to be running around exploring not sitting).

Derek discovered Geocaching while he was deployed (he actually has some finds in Kyrgyzstan from his stay there). I had heard of it before and always thought it sounded fun. We already had the GPS so a new family hobby was begun. We have been spending what free time we have out geocaching. For those of you that don't know, geocaching is (according to Wikipedia): "an outdoor treasure-hunting game in which the participants use a Global Positioning System (GPS) receiver or other navigational techniques to hide and seek containers (called "geocaches" or "caches") anywhere in the world. A typical cache is a small waterproof container containing a logbook and "treasure," usually toys or trinkets of little value."
We have had tons of fun out finding caches together as a family and the boys have several "treasuers" that they have found. So far we have 13 finds as a family. I have 15 and Derek has 18. There are tons hidden here just in town so we haven't had to go far. In fact the first two we found were within walking distance of home. Who knew!!
As I said the boys love finding them. They each have an exciting story to tell about their adventures. Andrew draws geocaching maps in his free time and they are quite detailed even as to which way is north-- remember he is only 4. Crazy!
And when I say that "the boys" love to find them that includes Derek too. We all know how much he loves to "treasure hunt." Maybe if he would have had a GPS as a kid those coins wouldn't still be lost in the backyard. :)

Well as you can see things here are going well. "Life with Derek" at our house is so much better than the silly TV show with the same name. Life for us is WONDERFUL!!!!

Here's a slide show of some more pictures from geocaching.


Heather said...

Geocaching is a blast! We were introduced to it through Stefanie's school. Enjoy the time together :)

Suzie-Q said...

I can'r wait to do some with you when we are all together next month. I hope you are exicted to do it with us too.
Oh and are you sure that is you are you really that cute when youa re all dressed up??? J/K
Love you!!

Yeehaw said...

I love it! It's so beautiful to see your family together! Tell my cousin hi for me. Let us know if you're coming out this way... we'd love to see you all!

Fisher Family said...

Wonderful! So great seeing all of you together as a family. You look beautiful in your dress on your way to the ball. So cute to see Derek w/ the boys and what a cool new hobby. Sounds fun. Darryl should be home the 5th or 6th of June...Yay!!

Shiloah Baker said...

You look great in your pictures, Jodi! I will miss you guys! We will be in the other ward as of the has been really great getting to know you guys!