St Patrick's Day:
Here they are in their green outfits:
1 month old:
(Okay these pictures weren't taken on the day they were 1 month old, I guess they were more like 5 weeks old).
We were in for a weight check the day they were one month old. Kylie weighed 5 pounds while Philip weighed 10! He's just a little bigger than her. :)
I had just washed Kylie's hair and had left it all poking up pretending/hoping that it's curly. The poor girl, if she doesn't end up with curly hair then I have no idea how to fix it. I guess it will just be a learning experience. Hopefully one that doesn't result in too many ugly hairdos. :)
Valentine's Day Outfits:
They almost look like they are consorting in this picture. Kylie's shirt says, "Hug me, Hold me, Kiss me!" As if we needed such instructions. :)
Philip looks so cute in this picture I had to post it even though Kylie is falling over.
This one was funny so I posted it just for some laughs.
A Brother's Love:
The boys love both of the twins. They are always running to check on them and wanting to help take care of them. I can even get them to do things by saying, "When you are done doing (insert whatever they are supposed to be doing here), then you can hold one of the babies." It does the trick almost every time. :)
Although they love both babies they really LOVE Kylie. They almost idolize her. I think if she could talk, she would be able to get them to do anything she wanted. I guess we'll see what happens in the future.
Andrew informed me shortly after they were born, just so I knew for sure, that, "Kylie is my favorite twin." Just last week one of our friends asked him if he loved the twins and he replied, "I love both of the twins, but I really LOVE Kylie."
Here is Andrew feeding Kylie a bottle when she was just a few days old. He was so excited to get to do this. He had been talking about getting to do it ever since he knew she was coming. He did a great job.
Their First Outing:
The babies finally had their first outing (other than to the doctor's office) on February 25th. We took my mom to see the Washington D.C. temple. We thought that the temple was a fitting first outing.
All bundled up and ready to go:
Story Time:
The babies and I finally made it to church a few weeks ago. (And, yes, we even made it on time. Thank goodness for 3:00 p.m. church). They looked so cute in their Sunday clothes.
Here are some close-ups. They were being fussy so to prevent crying they had the pacifiers in their mouths right up until I snapped the picture. The result-- no crying but funny shaped mouths. :)
All of his brothers wore this same outfit on their first day of church.
Of course, as the only girls in the family, Kylie and I had to match. Besides, since Kylie and Philip didn't match, then I had to match something. :)
We had some people special request to see the size of Kylie's hand compared to Derek's wedding ring. So here is a comparison. She is two weeks old in these pictures.
Here's my ring:
Here's Derek's ring:
And my favorite-- Here is a comparison of Derek and Kylie's hands:
Life just wouldn't be complete without Timothy to spice it up. :)
Here he is trying out the car seats while chomping down the core of a fresh pineapple-- that's his favorite part.
Okay-- well that's all I have time to post for now. I hope that was worth the long wait. :)