Thursday, September 27, 2007
Sleeping Safe!
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Sticky Tape
Friday, September 14, 2007
"T" which stands for trouble!
The counter. He's actually on his way to the sink in this picture. He already crawled all the way down the counter to get to this point.
In the drawer. Yes, thats right the drawer. He didn't use the other drawers to crawl up, he pushed his high chair over, crawled up into it and then pulled out the drawer and got in. He was finding all kinds of treasures here, he thought anyway.
After the drawer got boring he moved up on to the counter where he found some bananas to snack on. He did get a banana the other day and somehow peeled it and ate it. I didn't notice him until it was gone. Only the peel remained as evidence.
Well there you have it. One of the worst things he did all week though there is no picture of. I went outside to bring the garbage can in after the garbage truck had come and he came behind me and turned the dead bolt on the door and locked me out. After about 5 minutes of knocking on the window I finally got Andrew's attention. He was busy watching TV and was quite enthralled (a true boy!) He took one look and then went back to watching TV. After more pounding and another 5 minutes Andrew finally came and let me back in. Then he proceeded to get mad at me because I hadn't brought him his drink yet. What love!! All the while T was walking around smiling and laughing thinking it was all so funny.
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Mama's Little Helper
Monday, September 10, 2007
The Quick Summary
I (Jodi) enjoy staying home with the boys. They are very active and keep me very busy. I am also the 2nd counselor in the primary presidency. I do a lot more dreaming about than actually doing many of the things I enjoy like scrapbooking, sewing, reading, and crafts. Someday!!
Andrew loves books and puzzles. He will play with a puzzle all afternoon. He is only 3 but that doesn't stop him from doing the 100 piece puzzles labeled "ages 6 and up." He can do them too, he's amazing. He likes to help his mommy too. He especially likes to help me cook.
Timothy is now 14 months old and is real little "Curious George." He runs everywhere and is always getting into everything. I got so tired of him always getting into my kitchen cupboards that I got out the drill and put the child locks on myself. I have never used a drill before, that's supposed to be the Dad's job-- the things you get to do as an Army wife!! He is also proving to be a climber. We are always finding him up on everything. His two favorite places are sitting in the bathroom and kitchen sinks. He can turn the kitchen sink on so that one makes quite the mess.