Philip & Kylie
Jodi with Philip
Brian and Andrew checking out their new siblings
After checking in, Jodi received an ultrasound to check the position of Kylie's placenta. The doctors found it had moved away from the cervix by another 2 centimeters. We decided to attempt an induced delivery rather than the scheduled C-Section. Most of Monday was uneventful while we waited for the labor to kick in. Around 4:30pm ET, Jodi's progress was being checked when the doctor found Kylie had a case of umbilical cord prolapse. Basically, her cord had fallen past her into the birth canal first and was being compressed with every contraction, cutting off blood and oxygen. The doctor hit the nurses button and called for an immediate emergency c-section. From there things moved very fast. An emergency call was made over the intercom system, doctors and nurses flooded the room, and Jodi was literally run down the hall to the OR, while the doctor remained on the bed to push the cord up and reduce pressure. I was told to follow and put in a recovery room to wait until someone came to get me. I was given a white jumpsuit to put on and told the OR would be very busy and it was unlikely I would be taken back for the delivery. So, I put my clothes on and prayed. In about 5 to 10 minutes another nurse showed up to tell me the babies had been delivered and all was well. Eventually I was taken to the OR to see the babies before they went to the NICU, while Jodi was being sewn up. Fortunately, both babies are healthy with no expected long term implications from the prolapse.
Kylie was born first at 4:43. She weighed 4lbs 5.8oz and measured 17.4 inches.
Philip was born at 4:45. He weighed 6lbs 0.8oz and measured 19 inches.
Jodi currently remains in the hospital and both mother and babies are expected to be discharged tomorrow (Thursday).
I'm so excited for you!
And Derek, if you feel bad for not getting to watch the c-section I could send you the video of mine. It's pretty cool. :-)
They are so beautiful!! I am so glad that you were able to upload some photos. I am so glad that they don't have to be in the NICU. There's no question about who was taking up the most room (and food). Make sure that Kylie gets her share now.
And Jodi, you may have been 1/2 square bigger but we came out with very close results in the total of length and weights of our twins. I am so proud of you and happy that you were able to achieve the challenge that I gave you early on about making it past 36 weeks.
We are so excited for you. I am so glad that everything went well for you and the twins and you too Derek!
I think Rob might prefer to be in the other room, he doesn't do well when he sees blood, they always have to ask him if he is ok.
Take it extra easy when you get home and don't let the boys jump on you too much!
Love the pictures!!
I am so happy for you! Everything worked out so well for you...
Wow, congratulations! What beautiful babies and such a beautiful family!!!
Congratulations! They are beautiful! Glad to hear Jodi and the babies are doing well all things considered! Enjoy these new blessings!
I just thoguth I would let you know that when I showed the babies to caleb and Hailey they were very excited for and can't to "Go to Aunt Jodi's house to visit! Can we go right now!?!" and also Caleb said, " Kylie is soo pretty!" Sorry little philip but your sister is already getting all the attention!
Love you!!
Congrats! Glad to hear everyone is doing well.
Congratulations Loveland family!! You now have 2 more children who will be able to use Scott as a human jungle gym! :) We miss you guys and hope all is well!!
Congratulations, Loveland Family! The twins are absolutely beautiful. The picture of Jodi's thumb and Kylie's foot is incredible. It's hard to grasp how tiny they are until you see that. We are so glad that they are here safe and sound, and that Jodi is doing well, too.
Good Job! They are beautiful. I am so glad everything turned out okay. They really do look different. How much fun!
I'm sorry that it had to be an emergency c-section; though if the outcome is two healthy babies, you can count your blessings! Congratulations on your two miracles!
What a blessing that both babies are here and they (mom too) are safe and doing well. I also love the picture of Kylie's foot and Jodi's thumb. Amazing. Hopefully Kylie will learn to get her share of food before her brothers take it all. ;-)
Very pretty babies. Congratulations!
Hope you recover quickly
Take care of yourself. Julia
your babies are so beautiful! i hope all is going well!
How wonderful!! Congratulations to you and your family on the 2 new arrivals. What a blessing!
Congratulations! Beautiful babies, darling big brothers, amazing parents. Sending love and happy thoughts your way.
congratulations! cant believe tiny jodi had twins!!! glad to hear it went well, they are adorable!
congratulations! cant believe tiny jodi had twins!!! glad to hear it went well, they are adorable!
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