Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Wednesday, March 5, 2008


We went to the Cub Scout Blue and Gold Banquet. The theme was Chinese New Year. So we had chopsticks to eat with if we wanted. There was Chinese food but I brought soy butter sandwiches for my kids to eat instead. Well that didn't stop them from using their chopstickes or "chompsticks" as Andrew calls them. Who knew you could eat a sandwich with them? The boys used them for more than eating as they found they could "chomp" onto anything. Can you color with chopsticks? Andrew can. Before the night was over they also discovered that they made great swords. Boys will be boys! Good thing we were sitting in the back corner. Timothy slept through most of it. Even when Andrew decided to poke the chopsticks in his ear. Ahh brotherly love!

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